Angel Run

Angel Run

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Angel Run

Angel Run is a thrilling game that will have you on your toes! This fast-paced game puts players in control of a flying angel who navigates the screen and faces the constant attacks of the devil. The main objective? The primary objective? Angel Run is a game that requires quick reflexes as well as unwavering agility to defeat the devil. Players are forced to up their game as the stakes rise to avoid the fiery devil's onslaught. This game is dynamic and engaging, which keeps players on the edge as they attempt outwitting their fiery enemy. Angel Run's success depends on the ability to navigate the angel in a series of challenging situations, while making split-second choices to avoid the devil. Each near miss or evasion allows players to maximize their score. They can set new personal bests, and aim for the top position on the leaderboard. The adrenaline rush of outmaneuvering devils and the intensity of this game will have you wanting to play again. Angel Run is a game that will test your skills and provide an immersive experience. Gear up, improve your reflexes, then prepare for an exciting journey where you will lead the angel and outwit the fiery devil. Angel Run offers a thrilling gaming experience with its stimulating challenges and captivating gameplay. Are you up to the challenge? Be brave, stay alert, and let the angel guide you in this exciting pursuit. Good luck and may you be able to match the devil's fiery rage in Angel Run.


Fly your Angel around the screen without getting hit by the Devil or his flame.