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Radius offers an exciting game where you take control and strategically collide circles to earn points. Use your arrow keys and mouse to navigate through the game and aim for successful collisions; as time progresses, points will accumulate as will strategic skills honed over time. Should any help or advice on playing properly be required, just consult the in-game instructions!

Radius is an engaging puzzle-style game which challenges your ability to maneuver and collide circles, adding precision and strategy into your gaming experience. Each collision earns points for victory - every move counts!

To play, simply use your arrow keys to guide the movements of circles, positioning them strategically for collision. Furthermore, utilize your mouse for fine-tuning the direction of each of your movements so each collision works to your benefit.

As you immerse yourself in Radius, you'll quickly come to realize that its mastery requires not just quick reflexes but also calculated decision making. Each collision presents an opportunity to earn points and advance further in the game; every move plays an essential part in its ultimate success.

Radius offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience whereby your goal is to maneuver circles precisely to cause collisions that have an impactful result - this makes for a stimulating and entertaining gaming session that puts all your skills to the test!

Immerse yourself in Radius' captivating world and take control of its gameplay! Showcase your strategic skills as you collide circles to earn points - referring to in-game instructions can further aid your understanding and mastering strategic collisions can bring success! Be ready for an unforgettable and captivating gaming experience in Radius; show what skills and strategies you possess by showing up! Don't be left behind, explore this thrilling universe today and put them through their paces in this challenging yet fascinating game!


Use the arrow keys and mouse to ram circles into each other, and collect points! Check out the in-game instructions for how to play.