STD: Wave 1

STD: Wave 1

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STD: Wave 1

The title of this presentation is: Managing an outbreak: Responding to a STD Wave 1 crisis

In times of emergency, it is important to act quickly and decisively. STD Wave 1 unleashed chaos. You must restore order by using your pistol and arresting all escaped prisoners.

The situation is critical as a prison outbreak has led to numerous prisoners fleeing the facility. Your mission is clear: stop further chaos and enforce law. Stay focused and determined as you navigate this challenging environment.

Your pistol will be useful to contain an outbreak. You must have quick reflexes, and sharp shooting skills in order to eliminate any escaped prisoners and secure the area.

It's important to take pictures of the people responsible for any threats as part of your efforts in neutralizing them. These photos will be crucial in building a case against the perpetrators of this outbreak. They can also help to prevent future incidents.

It is important to be aware and alert of your surroundings as you perform your mission. Each situation is unpredictable and can require quick decisions in changing conditions. Adapting quickly is essential to staying vigilant.

Your efforts to eliminate escaped prisoners and document the crisis will have a huge impact on restoring order in the community and ensuring safety. You can protect others by taking quick, decisive action.

You must be courageous and determined to overcome this crisis. You will protect your community and send a strong message that chaos or lawlessness is not tolerated.

Your commitment to justice during times of crisis will play a crucial role in halting the spread and restoring peace. When you use your resources and skills to help a person in crisis, you make an impactful statement that they are well taken care of.

Keep in mind that your efforts will make a difference as you take on this challenging mission. Your courage, resourcefulness and determination are essential to overcoming the STD Wave 1 crises while protecting safety and security in your community.


Kill all the escaped prisoners and sentence them to death with your pistol by shooting them down.